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Confidentality and Data Protection

Therapy is confidential and only works if it is so. Your privacy will always be respected unless the safeguarding of you or others from serious harm needs to take priority. In this case I would endeavour to implement any safeguarding responsibilities in a way that is respectful, ethical, and collaborative.

Here is some information about my practice as a Data Controller:

I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The legal basis for dealing with personal information about you is the consent that you give me as part the therapy contract we are making.

In common with other therapists and in line with professional guidelines for best practice and legal requirements, I keep brief paper notes of sessions and review my work regularly with a supervisor, who is subject to the same rules about confidentiality and data processing. Notes are kept securely in a locked cabinet. Full name and contact details are kept in a separate and secure place. Paper files and name/contact records are stored securely for 6 years after therapy has ended in line with insurance company requirements.

Electronic data, such as telephone contact details on my mobile or emails, is held on password protected devices/accounts.

If you have any concerns or requests in relation to personal data that is held, please feel free to discuss it with me, or alternatively you may contact the ICO at


How much will it cost?

At present my fees are £75 for a 50 minute session with couples and £65 with individuals, which is payable on the day. Fees are reviewed annually and one month’s notice is given for any increase.

I reserve the right to charge a full fee for cancellation, unless we can agree to negotiate another time within the same week. If you make no contact and fail to attend, I would also expect to charge the full fee.

If I have to cancel a session I will, wherever possible, offer you an alternative appointment.

What happens at the first appointment?

This is an opportunity for you to say what is causing you difficulty and what you would like to be different. You may already have an idea of what you would like from counselling or you may want help identifying what you want to work on or what you would like to change. We would also begin to think about how best to work on your problems.

SMRST is the private practice of John Shanahan, a Relate trained Relationship Counsellor and Psychosexual Therapist, based in South                        Manchester.   John holds accreditation with the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT) 

Manchester, UK

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